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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  March 16, 2012 5:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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looking at a live picture of interstate 80. in oakland it is pretty slow going on the bay bridge. the rain in the east bay has caused a lot of other problems. here is a video of the big cypress vine tree that fell over in orinda. if broke free at the roots and left a big hole in one family's backyard. asked a few miles away, there was also some flooding near the caldecott tunnel. the thing and about 3:00 this afternoon it started raining again if tariffs she
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does >>pam: on ec the big ominous clouds. wet roadways. two big rig collided along highway 17 in the south bay. one man was killed. sphere >>craig: one person died in the highway patrol says the car lost control headed southbound. >> the driver is the sole occupant, he lost control
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of the vehicle and cross through the opening of the center divided korean sky classic a maroon car. >>pam: where our problems happening all over the bay area, a close call for several homeowners in lafayette. a pair of trees came crashing down. the trees nearly missed homes there. haaziq madyun tells us what stop the destruction. >>haaziq: to huge pine trees were brought down in lafayette. massive routes gave way after days of heavy rain. take a look at what stop the kinds from stalling -- from falling on top of these homes. if this entry right here. with a little support from the wiry branches and of this tree as well. looking at the positions of the trees, it appears this one was the first of all taking this tree down along
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the way before they both came to rest on top of these branches. luckily, no one was injured and no structures were damaged. kron4's has learned that tree removal experts have been contacted about the situation. >>pam: and the south bay, this is a live picture of the guadalupe river. prepare dan kerman has live team coverage from there. >>dan: this is definitely the calm before the storm, we have had a few sprinkles off and on the last hour. for the most part, so completely dry. as you mentioned, the guadalupe river is one of the areas that is known to flood of and on. a handful of creeks in san jose have flooded the that should not the problem here, at least not tonight. the reason is because all of the rain at the bay area saw last week, and the last
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week's san jose has only seen 1600's of an inch of rain. even if we get a lot tonight in the creeks and rivers, the current existence is so low, there is barely a little stream going. as a result, even if we get a big dumping tonight, we should not see any flooding. reservoirs are low in the creeks are almost dry. >>pam: further south to the santa cruz mountains, they have seen some of the highest rain totals. more than 10 in. and more is on the way. reggie kumar gives us a look at the conditions there. >> the rain is coming down at a moderate pace. this road is called river road.
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it is known to flooding. here are some of the streets in puddles that have accumulated. we will show you how some of the road is covered in water like this area here. using see the water that has accumulated on the rock. it is definitely starting to accumulate. third the water is deep enough to cover my boots. over year, more water has accumulated on this side of the road in front of this fall. many residents in the area actually had to raise their homes several cease above the road so that they do not fly. >>pam: another big story tonight, free agency and
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many practices with the the 49ers. he is in santa clara this week. our sports director gary read it is live. >>grant: long lines for the new ipad, i will tell you all about a coming up in my tech report. >>pam: here is a live look at the san mateo bridge commute. fact denied the headlights are headed eastbound into hayward. it is pretty heavy carry if the roads are slick. we will be right back. causes sweetheart. we need to talk.
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i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005.
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wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing. carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. tryomething funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one year term. at&t. >>gary: here are the actual fact, peyton manning not
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just visited set for cisco, he worked out in front of the eyes of jim harbaugh that interim north carolina in june. >>gary: the manning camped says he will also work out at tennessee. even if he does not come here, the bottom line is, they are trying.
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>> i have been at the 49ers camp all day, they are not saying months about this all tuition. i assumed that everyone would be gung-ho zane that pain manny is our man, but you will hear in these sound bites that there are some mixed feelings. take a listen. >> anything that can improve the 49ers is a great thing. >> it would be awesome to watch and hear in the bay area but i think that denver will ran out.
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>> even alex smith would have to go down to eight manny. stays within the the salary cap. as long as it does not hurt the team over all. this has will >> i think that they should stick with smith. >> interestingly enough, i have across one-man half loss who say the 49ers should stick with alex smith. >>jaqueline: the rain is coming down and you can see that we have plenty of yellowwoods indicates moderate-heavy rain.
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pretty decent rainfall rates. about a half an inch per hour. near fairfield we are seeing about the same. >>jaqueline: and half moon bay, they're getting heavy rain right now, one-third of an inch of rain in that spot. in south san francisco, a quarter of an inch of rain per hour. the wide picture of what is going on, right now there's plenty of moisture streaming into the bay area. we have snow in the sierra. a big punch of rain is coming in about an hour. for the 6:00 hour we have heavy rain in the north. we still have a few areas of moderate rainfall.
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here is the main band of rain, water-heavy rain throughout much of the north bay. heavier rain to fairfield and nafta and also over the day's chores. >> and the 9:00 hour the heavier rain shifted over livermore and fremont. notice, by 11:00 largely the rain is done.
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we are going to seek partial clearing into the evening hours. the rainfall totals, this is what we will see, but one-2 in. of rain in the north bay, up to 1 in. in the central and up to 2 1/2 inches in santa cruz mountains. in the south bay, a quarter or a half inch of rain expected. snow will be coming down heavy in the sierra. take a look at future cat's. this will indicate heavy snow at the higher elevations. temperatures will be dropping like a rock. into the midnight and 1:00 hour, 2-3 ft. of fresh powder in the higher elevations. here's a look your extended forecast. partial clearing overnight.
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that will drop temperatures down to the thirties. into the afternoon, thundershowers are possible. tomorrow and sunday, a chance of lingering showers. getting ready to plant?
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chances are your soil is like this: compacted, drained of nutrients. it'll hold your plants... but it'll also hold 'em back. the solution: miracle-gro garden soil. the perfect mix of rich, organic ingredients, and miracle-gro plant food. just mix it in. and turn bad soil into great soil. helps plants grow twice as big. instead of holding 'em back, they'll leap ahead. miracle-gro garden soil. start right. finish big.
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>>pam: family members told police that they think the veterans suffered from post- traumatic stress disorder.
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announcer: this is the crime horsehides 30 p.m.. >>pam: a light fixture at the bay bridge toll plaza and the other in san jose show heavy traffic, but no rainfall. that will change. we're in the forecast center with jacqueline. >>jaqueline: the rain is coming down hard right in time for the evening
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commute. let's take a look at how hard they're rain is coming down, two-thirds of an inch of rain per hour. it is pretty heavy in the late hour and half inch of rain per hour. let's jump down towards the golden gate were the rain is pouring down at this hour. very heavy rainfall, in a valley about a quarter of an inch of rain. it will start dumping rain in mill valley in the next 10 minutes. towards the peninsula we have heavy rainfall one- third of an inch of rain in
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san francisco. heavy rain also over san mateo. says in san mateo, rain dance out sentences go. within four minutes the rain fall rate will really pick up. it is kind of hit or miss. the rain will star may not be shoddy -- saudi offshore. we will see a lot of heavy rain out there through the evening. the rain will pick up this evening.
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>>pam: @ kron4 has reporters stationed all over the bay area's that we can take a look at conditions live from york area. >> after days of rain, it is continuing to fall. it is only getting worse. we want to show you the wind. look at this american flag just blowing in the wind. it is gusting making it extremely difficult for people like us and pedestrians and people able
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to get home without getting soaked. >> i am charles clifford in the east bay. interstate 80 runs through berkeley, it is slow going in both directions. it has been a wet day in the east bay. i also saw some minor flooding in the roadways in the berkeley hills. as we head into the evening hours, a slight break in the rain but there also been some wind gusts in berkeley. >> here and san jose is the calm before the storm. san jose has not seen many storms this week. as a result, take a look over here at the guadalupe river, it is so low, it is moving at a slow trickle. the creeks are almost dry.
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even if you get a big dumping tonight, experts say they were are not expecting much of flooding at all. >>pam: the heavy rain has caused a big problem at the santa cruz beach boardwalk. that has been happening all week. the san lorenzo river is threatening to flood. craig skalar was in santa cruz as crews tried to get to the san lorenzo river back where it belongs. the boardwalk is in fact open to the public again. the hope is the work will be
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enough in the will shortly be put to the test. >>pam: looking at friday traffic on the bay bridge toll plaza, look at the incline. you can see how heavy traffic is westbound. the rain is about to move and which will make things worse. a standstill on 80 as people try to get home before the storm's fury of at the bottom of the screen, southbound 101, also very happy right now. we will be back. honey...? [ mom ] yes. honey, i can't find my internet cord.
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oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪
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>>pam: and the sierra, this is a live picture at donner summit. there are almost wiped out conditions there. on the phone with us now, a chp officer. i guess you're measuring snowfall and fee instead of inches? >> yes. it is wet heading of rural warhol's remember, if you
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are stopping to put on your jeans, did not the salon in the middle of the road. the snow level is at about 7000 or 6500. the wet snow is on going. expect some cars to spin out in front of you. >>pam: is caltrans having trouble keeping up local rackets of all? >> they are keeping up. if we do not have delays with traffic, there would be
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no problem. >>pam: we will take a break and be right back. [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids?
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it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was.
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what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver only from at&t. get u-verse tv for $25 a month with free hd for six months. at&t.
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>>pam: a three year-old girl was thrown from a carnival ride and snakes in the toilet in new york. kiberlee sakamoto has this edition of take a look at this. >>kimberlee: a dramatic video from a carnival ride in houston, take a look at this. she was 3 years old and slid under the restraining bars off and flew off of the ride. he can see her legs in the year. the toddler was rushed to a local hospital and suffered contusions to her face and head but otherwise was ok. she did meet the right height requirement, she was on with her eight year-old brother however this fighting fall has prompted officials to change the height requirement. this is a building
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enclosing, the building was built in 1887, the structure was part of a series of paper mill however the company says the building is no longer needed. detectives out, a very large black bear has apparently taking a liking to a neighborhood in los angeles county. one resident said the bear came into his garage and started snacking on a package of the balls in his freezer. take a look at this, this will remind you to look before you sit, a 4 ft. long california king snake slithered out of a toilet bowl in it s.i.. the terrified tenant is braided with a superintended, it's a a plumber 30 minutes to get it out. the snake is not venomous and likely was living as a pet in another apartment.
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>> this was this scene in japan at the flagship apple store. people were waiting around, waiting for the doors to open. gabe slate gives us a look at the third generation ipad and its launch. >>gabe: look at the long line of umbrellas.
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>> we want apple to live up to its credo and think differently and create a protection strategy. >>gabe: the new-line ads are expected to sell out by the end of the week. >>jaqueline: the commute is really treacherous. the radar is a live up with areas of yellow. one of the worst spots is over the north bay and over the golden gate. for a moment ago this rain was coming out at an end to an hour.
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a closer look down in san francisco, the rainfall rates fell at this site, you can see the yellow area headed towards downtown san francisco. within the next 10 minutes of the rain will be dumping right over the city. along the peninsula and the clothesline, take a look at a couple of spots. >>jaqueline: heavy rain over
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the north bay. but 8:00, a fairly widespread moderate-heavy rain. every rain near concord, the delta and the coastline. into the 9:00 hour, really heavy rain over hayward and fremont and into the santa cruz mountains. by 10:00, rain will be pushing 0 north and south. things will be improving and we will see some clearing overnight. rainfall totals over the next few hours will look like this, up to 2 and have additional inches in santa cruz mountains. into the east bay, the east bay values will see three- quarters of an inch. we will get pounded with snow in the sierra. right now, snow levels are
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at about 7,000 ft.. temperatures locally will drop overnight into the '30's in some spots. we will see very chilly conditions this weekend. we'll also see destabilization. waterspouts are a possibility as well. let's get a check at the snowbomb ski report. this weekend of 2 3 ft. of rain.
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we are expecting to-three additional feet of snow tomorrow. >>catherine: these are the cherry blossoms in washington d.c.. they are early. in some places it is downright hot for march. close to 90 degrees in parts of texas. a former rutgers student accused of spying on his gay roommate has been found guilty. he is listening to his verdict being read in court and showing absolutely no emotion. his roommate killed himself by jumping off of leverage. for call he does face up to 10 years in jail and could be deported to india.
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nearly three weeks after a deadly shooting, students at chartres and high school in ohio got together on a stubblefield showing a sign of unity and hope. a 17 year-old student opened fire in the cafeteria, 3 of the five students died. stackhouse we will be back after this break.
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>>pam: kron4 is tracking a storm and was treated damage. we have let him covered all around the bay area was blue will show you the near whiteout conditions in this year and what you need to know if you plan on having to tahoe. the 49ers are showing interest in eight manny, the new report that has the the area of us. >>jaqueline: heavy rains living in white on time. we will take a look at where the rain is heaviest.
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what >>pam: kron4 has the details on the manning in the 49ers and your bay area weather station is tracking the latest of furious >>jaqueline: this is the front that will be bringing as the heaviest rain. >> high winds and heavy rain is making life miserable for commuters. >>pam: tonight at 6:00 p.m., a new round of storms hitting the bay area. we have a live look in the north bay where the rain is coming down. level live look towards downtown san jose where it has been mostly dry but it will not be that way for long. tonight, kron4 cruz are tracking the storms across the bay area. jacqueline bennett is standing by to tell us where the storms are right now.
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>>jaqueline: it is coming down in a number of spots. the yellow on the screen in the case moderate-heavy downpour. we will do some zooming in tracking to see out of the rain is in some spots. toward the south, a third of an inch of rain per hour. but it is a very extreme down four.
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the her over the next couple of minutes call an extreme downpours. very close to the bay bridge grid we have reports the rain is coming down, a half inch of rain per hour. we also have moderate rain near the airport. a half rental car -- and tap into rain per hour in dublin. asks hoax
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>>pam: there is damage already showing up around the bay area. paulette >> we were getting short bursts of rain. this is a 101 market to me direction. cloth
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>> unfortunately no one was home. in a second home, the owner and his daughter were both away. >> those two homes have been red tag. homeowners will not be allowed back in those houses fee if >>pam: the rain also took down trees and cause minor flooding. charles crawford is live in netflix along interstate 80 and shows us how much a storm damage. >>charles: right now you're
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looking at a live picture of interstate 80. it had been pretty slow going in both directions of the afternoon. about 10 minutes ago we were hit with a downpour. there has been rain all day across the state. here's a look at video from earlier. along the east bay hill water was draining down. the road was very slick for drivers. we also saw a downed trees in orinda and lafayette's. a big gain in whole was let in one family's yard and broke off some of their irrigation pipes. it is very wet some very slick.
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cut down her officials said
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they're not concerned about the san lorenzo river overflowed its banks. the rain has come lockdown cash at a steady pace. if residents tell me eighth that all the rain did not stop the kids from playing outside. the reason they are out here is because they're celebrating a birthday. they have taken cover inside of this bridge. they say that this series is prone to flooding. call it cahow >>pam: flights have been delayed and some canceled at sfo all week. wind and rain have grounded planes for upwards of three hours. flights are delayed in average of more than two hours.
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if you plan to fly out of the sfo, officials suggest that you check your flight first to make sure there are no delays. delays are expected to continue to are the weekend. caught >>pam: there are reports that the 49ers are showing interest in a commanding. sources say he worked out with jim harbaugh on to state. stocks j.r stone is live outside 49ers headquarters with more. >>j.r.: some interesting reactions. i spoke with fans who told me, they were excited but a majority of those i spoke with said they like alex smith. >> they do not need them! >> i would take my chances
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of alex smith. >> he is unproven at this point. there are taking a rest. they have some right now who had a great year. kahan >> if he does not does have an injury, but he has a neck injury. cahow troops >> right now, it is not worth it. >> i was surprised by many of those convicts.
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keep in mind, lebron goes up or down 90 million over five years. to bring it many here because the a lot of money. gary radnich has more on sports coming up. >>pam: set in a credit to meet and sentences so, very wet pavement. i got down 101 is low everywhere. we will be right back.
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(car horn) paying with your smartphone instead of cash... (phone rings) that's a step forward. with chase quickpay, you can send money directly to anyone's checking account. i guess he's a kicker... again, again! oh, no you don't! take a step forward and chase what matters.
6:11 pm
i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005. wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing. carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. tryomething funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed.
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get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one year term. at&t. >>pam: a high-speed chase in the south bay ended with carjacking suspect on the loose. police say the man the sea
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depicted on the sleeves are considered armed and dangerous. rob fladeboe tells us about the manhunt that is under way. call >> the san jose police swat team surrounded a vacant house on blossom ave around 4:00 a.m. on friday with a thought to carjacking suspects were held up. >> the suspect's still a gold cadillac as the late -- the suspect's stole a gold cadillac escalate. >> police chased the suspects on highway 85 in excess of 100 mi. an hour. police identified the suspects as the man the see pictured here. ramirez was already known to police based on several previous carjackings. he was then traced to the home on blossom ave.
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how >> the swat team sent in a remote-controlled robot and then searched the area with the dogs. somehow the suspect's managed to escape war whenever there at all. >>pam: police found blood inside it of a car and they believe the veteran is suffering from post- traumatic stress disorder. how in the south bay, san
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jose is one of the few places that has not seen much rain over the last week. >>dan: we can tell you that the rain has started to fall, finally. a light drizzle. ifs they're not expecting this to cause some more trouble. the guadalupe river is a very low. faugh experts are telling us they are not expecting anything close to flooding. but weather is going to come tonight that they are not expecting any flooding in
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san jose. hess >>jaqueline: the heaviest rain is moving into the north bay. we have a lot to track here. yellow and orange is dictating moderate rainfall. in napa, light rainfall. anything over a half an inch of rain is pretty heavy rainfall. as we scroll down to the north bay, a quarter of an inch per hour. sausalitos also seeing a
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half-inch of rain. over the golden gate, we are seeing heavy rain. a rain over the bay bridge is also heavy. it is coming down! take your time if you're crossing the bay bridge. let's jump over into the east bay. the rain is really coming down here as well. two-thirds of an inch of rain per hour. it is really coming down in the east bay. take a look at the white picture over san francisco, oakland ended the east bay shores. very treacherous conditions on the roadway periods into
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the 7:00 hour, sphere if if fiefs and hayward and fremont are getting heavy rain. the south bay is now getting heavy rains. this is what we have seen so
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far out there today. not much down south. this is what we will see for the remainder of the evening of syria for fun snow levels right now are at about 7,000 ft.. it will be dropping the lake level once the cold front moves group. tomorrow, 4-8 in. of snow. we will see an accumulation of a 2-3 p at higher elevations. cox cut temperatures in the low 50s tomorrow. we will seek theory of the modern rain in a small wheel.
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it will be really hit or miss with a chance of showers. >>catherine: there is a power outage to tell you about in walnut creek. more than 5000 customers have been affected. it could be some time before the problem is fixed. a power outage in walnut creek and it is affecting more than 5000 customers. >>pam: in the sierra, it is tough winter weather for travelers. gravers years. trains are required in higher elevations this weekend. on the song, officer: tony frescoed with the chp. what can you tell us about speeds in and troubled times? >>officer: let's remind everyone, when you are in a controlled zone, is 30 mi. an hour.
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we have gotten a lot of snow and, summit. thick and heavy snow. >>pam: you mentioned there are a number of accidents, what is your best advice for anyone headed that way? >> if you leave right now, you will get stuck in a lot of delays. as did one right after the other. that has a long-term effect throughout the day. for everyone that usually tries to sneak a fear on friday night, they will magnify the current problem. feisty late tonight or early in the morning, remember, fleas bring your chains and the purpose various u.s. also need all some calls.
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>>pam: thank you, we will take a break and be right back.
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buying this juicer online was unbelievable. what a bargain! [ female announcer ] sometimes a good deal turns out to be not such a good deal. but new bounty gives you value you can see. in this lab demo, one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. so you can clean this mess with half as many sheets. bounty has trap and lock technology to soak up big spills and lock them in. why use more when you can use less? new bounty. the clean picker upper.
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>>pam: a judge has denied a request to not release the report on the uc-davis police pepper spray incident that you are looking at right here. this to her pleas last of november. there is video of the officer dousing protesters who appeared to be sitting there on the campus grounds. the police union has tried to keep the report out of the public's hands in order to keep the officers' names private. they now have until next month to appeal. in san francisco people are getting their first look at the new and improved metric on a shopping center. they are unveiling major improvements including options for dining, shopping and entertainment. the city's first targets towards opening this fall. we will be right back. netflix is the
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>>jaqueline: intense rainfall coming down and a number of places around the bay area. och had in oakland, 2 in. of rain in hour, will take a look at whether when we come back. look at whether when we come back. getting ready to plant? chances are your soil is like this: compacted, drained of nutrients. it'll hold your plants... but it'll also hold 'em back. the solution: miracle-gro garden soil. the perfect mix of rich, organic ingredients, and miracle-gro plant food. just mix it in. and turn bad soil into great soil. helps plants grow twice as big. instead of holding 'em back, they'll leap ahead. miracle-gro garden soil. start right. finish big.
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>>jaqueline: denied the big stories in one a block of news, right now, our top story. >>jaqueline: our top story is the intense rainfall. the yellow and orange the ec on the screen, the rainfall rates are incredible. all the way through the north bay there is a flood advisory in effect. even see the orange in the keating rainfall rates two- thirds of an inch of our which is excessive. in san francisco, right over the bay bridge, the rain is a dump info right in the middle of the evening commute. help lee everyone is taking their time out there this evening with rainfall conditions like this, the roads are very dangerous and will continue for the next
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several hours. today is a day that you definitely want to stay inside. heavy rain moving to the north bay and coming close to the coastline. heavy rains in oakland, hayward, the finance law, the coastline, fairfield and antioch. by the 9:00 hour for heavier rain in the livermore valley. by 11:00 the rain starts moving out. we will seek their conditions in the wake of the storm. it is bringing with a glass of cold air. temperatures of my will drop into the 30's and supplications. as we head into tomorrow afternoon, temperatures in the low 50s. we will see unstable conditions and that will mean spivey thundershowers.
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as we head into next week a small chance of lingering showers. conditions look to approve five ed lee. >> you are looking at a live picture of interstate 80, emergency crews are responding to a multicar accident in the westbound lanes. it looks like the crews are: of and we have to trust on scene. there are three vehicles some of the accident. it has been very wet and slight except in the last hour or so, the rain has gotten him during the the wind has picked up. >> in the north bay a difficult and messy commute. drivers are taking their time with when shall divers and headlights on. there are low-lying puddles on the roadways trying to avoid any accidents. the chp has been warning people all week long to take their time during all of this rain and dangerous
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driving conditions. >> lights are in close and san jose. reservoirs', creeks and rivers remained very low. even if we get a lot of rain tonight we are not expecting any flooding, at least in san jose. this >>catherine: file for an update on a power outage in hornets creek. pg&e of is telling us that as many as 22,000 people are without power and walnut creek.
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>> and these two trees are the latest default during the storm. earlier this week the rate of broad trees down on back- to-back days. for >> drivers have to take extra precautions for safety. fog banks have thought that as well. scott in your going to be out and driving, it is a good idea to take it slow anti easy. >> fire officials say there have been no reports of flooding in this area. a lot of people are taking advantage of the wet weather. the kids behind me are soaking wet.
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they are celebrating a birthday. many of the people here tell me this area is called to task. they are not concerned about that this year because the area has not received enough reason. >> in santa clara, the talk of the town is david manning. and a key source says that manning met with the 49ers head coach jim are on tuesday evening can with a doctor on wednesday. other sources are saying that san francisco could be one of three teams to get a meeting. and never -- a number of fans i spoke with are still set on alex smith. >>gabe: even though it was raining all morning, apple fans came out in droves apple stores to get the new ipad. people stood in line for hours at the stockton street store in san francisco.
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there were cheered by store employees when they finally got to walk in. the new-line attack is likely to sell out by monday. if you want one, you may want to get one this weekend. a bahau [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids?
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it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv
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all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver only from at&t. get u-verse tv for $25 a month with free hd for six months. at&t. >>pam: actor george clooney and his father of eight are out of jail rated happened during a protest outside the embassy are stationed in washington d.c.. >> the actor was outside the embassy to bring awareness to alleged war crimes in the south sudan. he met with the president yesterday to discuss his concerns. clooney and other activists blamed the sudanese government for attacks that killed and injured civilians. >> the second king we are your task is very simple, for the government to stop
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randomly killing its own innocent men, women and children. stopped reading them and stop starving them. that is all we ask. >>kimberlee: that is george clooney there with his father. the president of the naacp and other activists were arrested. there you can see clearly been brought out. thank for them a sense of thousands of people will die from starvation that is a man-made. this is not a famine, it is a man-made tragedy 5 the government to get these people to leave. our job is to try to bring attention to it. any one of those ways was a hand in getting arrested. it >> kony and his father were briefly detained and released after they paid a fine of $100.
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kahan said this this off
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fast has lasted call an overhaul all agree here with libya and live life soon will advance safe city
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half of all islam and rea been
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>>gary: have 49ers are reportedly in the running and working manning. earlier in the date the denver broncos and john elway, their he isn't backing of with a satchel over his black jacket, or debris and qurans, north carolina to watch manning. they watch his work out and gave him a physical and then at about 11:15 a.m., it leaked out that the 49ers have secretly gone back to storm out carolina surf wear many hats for working out. -- where manning had
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been working out and gave him a physical. this was tuesday night. that has the nfl a buzz. manning terry arizona and the dolphins and was not interested. the packing -- the pecking order seems to be denver, the tennessee titan's remaining real up its use of the 49ers are the third team man. alex smith still does not have takeoff tracked purists what does smith have to sit? >> it is being managed. i am not thinking about it, it is outside of my control but how can you fault team's santa clara to in him? >>gary: you figure by early
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next week something will happen. st. mary's struggle against purdue. they trailed for most of the game. we have rob fladeboe in dayton ohio at this game. he informed me with under an amended to go for do was leading 72-69. just reporting it is the final score, a 72-69 per do, they had just eliminated st. mary's.
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her class apps hall of of assessed house her. that harass month how to the milwaukee bucks. how and in there he is. they're back home tonight. >> i am happy, my wife is happy, >> it is not often you are
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treated and then back in your former city. >> it feels like any other regular game. i feel like myself. >> the key ingredient in the trade trellis is tangible goods that pass his or your physical and then met the media. >> many of my injuries have been freed occurrences.
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>>gary: we lawn on how this report is out until early november. by the way, if we have the general manager from the warriors, he said yes, a member of the televisions that accuse me of not telling mark jackson. >>gary: when we come back its e-mail time.
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>>gary: it has been a big sports week. >> still says our the new war years owners any different? >>gary: you may not like the trade began but at least these guys are trying. the old owners were money conscious. >> why spoil all the good will produce a dozen alibi's finding ran the mouse? >>gary: you are not the only one thinking that.
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this guy was great a few years ago but he does not run hard, he does not complete his patterns. a former teammate says that he is a quitter. he has a no money guarantee, if they were paying him a millionaire my question did, but for free, let him work out during the training camp and exhibition game.
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>>gary: if i only like the tournament until it gets down to the final 16. it is a good team against a not so good team. of president obama is lucky because the stock market is up and things are going in as well. if i saw my president filling out a bracket and i was unemployed, would be upset. >> another person says you're a lousy father and husband, you are on the
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television and radio morning, noon and night. baath
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"the insider" is taking you in depth on today's big celebrity headlines. i'm kevin frazier. "the insider" is on. george clooney being arrested in front of a horde of cameras. >> clooney and his father both have been arrested. >> george, how does it feel? >> george clooney and dad nick released from jail after the arrest and speaking out. their mission to stop a massacre. >> stop randomly killing innocent men, women and children. >> and what his mom is saying about the planned protest. >> the actor could face a jury over what happened today. >> but was this morning's incident part of the actor's new documentary? tom hanks and heidi klum's night of karaoke as the ll


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